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Last update: 4 days ago by Mateusz FilipowiczReading time: 6 min

BooGi comes with a content search capabilities. It takes care of indexing content during page build time and makes indexed data accessible in Search UI.

Two search engines are supported:

  • Algolia - external service providing superb search capabilities
  • localsearch - search in your browser, without integrating with any external service

For the best search experience we recommend using Algolia.

What is indexed?

To provide best search experience, following data is indexed:

  • page title
  • content excerpt (number of characters is configurable)
  • page path (URL)
  • page internal ID
  • page category (coming soon)

Algolia vs Localsearch

Algolia (recommended)

  • uses external Algolia service, so indexed data is stored externally
  • outstanding search results quality
  • constant, low memory usage
  • very fast, minimal network overhead
  • need to be enabled explicitly (
  • index created only during page build
  • paid, free tier for small indices and low load


  • uses only client device (browser) for all computation, all data is local
  • low-to-medium search results quality, depending on configuration
  • memory usage growing with the number and size of pages, may be significant on big pages as index and excerpts are stored on the client
  • very fast, no additional network calls involved to query data
  • enabled by default
  • index created during page build or running development server
  • free


LocalSearch engine is a client-side search powered by FlexSearch. It does not need any external service to work, index is created during build time and whole searching is done on the client (browser).

To make LocalSearch work there is no additional configuration needed then setting up BooGi ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Tuning engine

FlexSearch engine is customizable and you can configure to satisfy your needs (speed, accuracy / relevance, memory consumption).

Default engine configuration is tuned to provide best search results, keeping great search speed and reasonable memory consumption.

Don't change Flexsearch engine configuration if you don't know what you are doing. Default settings provide great results already.

Follow this guide to learn more how you can set up FlexSearch engine to satisfy your needs.

To configure Flexsearch engine pass proper configuration to property in config.yml.


Algolia is a SaaSSaaS - Software as a Service Software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted and managed search engine, offering full-text search, capable of delivering real-time results. Algoliaโ€™s powerful API lets you quickly and seamlessly index content and implement search within your websites.

Algolia offers great free tier, which may be sufficient for plenty of pages using BooGi. For more details on Algolia follow its documentation.

Setting up Algolia

The first step is to create and set up Algolia account. In order to make Algolia working properly with your page, you need following:

  1. Algolia application
  2. Index
  3. Search-only API key for given Index (or whole application), used for searching
  4. Admin API key for given Index (or whole application), used only for building and managing index. It is used only during page build time.

Creating Algolia application

You can create a new application in the My Account section of the dashboard. Then, in the Applications tab, select New application. You can then switch between your applications via the top-left dropdown menu.

After creating application, open it to further configure it. Go to API Keys tab in Application' dashboard and note down Application ID which will be required later on when configuring BooGiBooGi T lulzhe best documentation tool in the space! Check it here..

Creating an index

Go to Indices tab in Application' dashboard to create a new index. Click on New... then Index and provide its name.

Setting up Search and Admin API key

Go to API Keys tab in Application' dashboard to manage API keys.

You can either use Application-scoped API keys or more fine-grained Index-scoped API keys.

Use Index-scoped API keys instead of Application-scoped API keys, because they provide more security by applying least-privilege approach.

Application-scoped API keys

Application-scope keys have either search or admin rights to all indices within application. They may have too broad permissions than required.

They are created by default and accessible in Your API Keys tab.

Index-scoped API keys

Index-scope keys allow setting up more fine-grained permissions to API keys. You can configure them to set certain access rights to certain indices.

Go to All API Keys tab and select New API Key. Set up desired configuration and select proper ACLs:

  • for Search API Key: search scope,
  • for Admin API Key: addObject, deleteObject, browse, settings, editSettings scopes.

Remember to select proper Indices to which API keys will have rights.

Managing environments

There are two main approaches to managing different environments:

  • application per environment
  • index per environment within single application

Follow this guide to decide which approach will fit you better.

If you're on free tier, you would benefit from _application per environment_ approach, because search quota is defined per whole application, thus each application has separate quota.

Setting up BooGi

Do not hardcode values for algoliaAppId, algoliaSearchKey and algoliaAdminKey as they may leak to your source control system and anyone could potentially gain access to your Algolia account! Use environment variables instead. For more details visit this page.

Search configuration is set in config.yaml under key.

search.enabledSet to true to enable search.true
search.engineSearch engine to use. Allowed values: localsearch, algolialocalsearch
search.localSearchEngine(Localsearch only) Localsearch engine configuration. For details vising this page. Warn Only for advanced users. You can rely on default configuration, which offers best search results.
search.indexName(Algolia only) Name of the search indexdocs
search.algoliaAppId(Algolia only) Algolia Application ID. It can be found in API Keys section in Algolia dashboard.
Example: AB1CDE2FGH
search.algoliaSearchKey(Algolia only) Algolia Search API Key.
More details about Search Key in section above.
search.algoliaAdminKey(Algolia only) Algolia Search API Key.
More details about Admin Key in section above.
search.excerptSizeA number of content excerpt characters sent to Algolia for indexing30000
search.placeholderPlaceholder text visible on search input.Search...
search.startComponentComponent used in header to initialize search.

Allowed values: input, icon.
When input is used then search input form is shown in header.
When icon is used, just a search icon is shown in header (it is compact option).
search.debounceTimeTime in milliseconds between last keystroke and invoking search operation. It is used to minimize number of search operations and improve overall site performance.

Reasonable values are between 250ms and 600ms.
search.snippetLengthNumber of words shown in a details of a single search result.22
search.hitsPerPageNumber of search results per page.10
search.showStatsSet to true to show search statistics (results count and search time) in a results sidebar.true
search.pagination.enabledSet to true to enable search results pagination. If disabled, then only one page will be always visible.true
search.pagination.totalPagesMaximum number of search pages.10
search.pagination.showNextSet to true to show next page button.true
search.pagination.showPreviousSet to true to show previous page button.true

Full configuration example - Algolia

enabled: true,
indexName: 'myindex'
engine: 'algolia'
excerptSize: 10000
placeholder: 'Search here...'
startComponent: 'input'
debounceTime: 380,
snippetLength: 22,
hitsPerPage: 10,
showStats: true,
enabled: true,
totalPages: 10,
showNext: true,
showPrevious: true

Full configuration example - LocalSearch

enabled: true,
engine: 'localsearch'
localSearchEngine: 'balance'
excerptSize: 10000
placeholder: 'Search here...'
startComponent: 'input'
debounceTime: 380,
snippetLength: 22,
hitsPerPage: 10,
showStats: true,
enabled: true,
totalPages: 10,
showNext: true,
showPrevious: true
Full example