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Base configuration

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Last update: a month ago by Mateusz FilipowiczReading time: 2 min

While creating your own BooGi-based page, you should first set up metadata. It defines core information about your page required for it to work, its identification and SEO.

Metadata base configuration can be set in config.yaml under metadata key.

PropertyDescriptionRequiredDefault value
metadata.nameWebsite full name.Yes
metadata.short_nameWebsite short name, it can be abbreviation.No
metadata.descriptionWebsite description. Used to improve website SEO.No
metadata.urlFull URL to this website, e.g.
metadata.languageWebsite language. Use ISO Language Code to define language property.Noen
metadata.pathPrefixPrefix defined within your reverse proxy or web server, on which this page is hosted. It can be also referred to as context. Example if your page is accessible under**mycontext**, then pathPrefix should be set to /mycontext.Yes/
metadata.faviconPath to favicon. Can be relative (e.g. /assets/favicon.png) or absolute (e.g.
metadata.siteImageURL to image describing the website. Used to improve website SEO.No
metadata.themeColorPrimary theme color of the website. More information about it you can check here.No
metadata.gaTrackingIdGoogle Analytics Tracking ID. It is used to enable Google Analytics for the website.No

Full configuration example

name: Your Docs Name
short_name: YDN
description: This is awesome page based on BooGi
language: en
pathPrefix: /
favicon: "/assets/favicon.png"
siteImage: "/assets/mypageimage.png"
themeColor: "#AB12C3"
gaTrackingId: UA-000000-2
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