Themes / styling
Themes is a way to customize BooGi app to meet your branding and desired look-and-feel. You can change color of nearly every component on the page.
BooGi offers two themes: light and dark. By both themes are used.
To disable dark mode, set features.darkMode.enabled=false
in config.yml
Theme configuration is stored in light.js
and dark.js
for light and dark theme respectively. Additionally, BooGi
offers a way to change basic colors used on the site. Default colors
definition is stored in colors.js
file. All these files are in
directory of your BooGi app.
Understanding theme setup
When using BooGi CLI, by default minimal minimal configuration will be present in configuration files.
You can use any CSS-compatible color format: HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA.
Base colors (red, green, blue etc..) are defined in colors.js
You can quickly change basic colors used.
Theme is split into certain page objects like header, sidebar, search, content etc. Each consists of dedicated set of theme properties. For full list of properties check full configuration reference.
If you don't want go deep into each object configuration, you can apply minimal configuratin to customize BooGi app to your needs. Check minimal configuration reference for an example.
You can change any single parameter -- there is no need to change whole configuration of any object. The defaults will be applied to the rest. For instance, if you want to override header background color, you can just define:
const header = (colors) => ({background: '#3a4b5c'});
Each object defined in the theme should receive colors
parameter, which is
an object of base colors, defined in the same file as colors
Using color library
BooGi uses color
- a JavaScript library for immutable color conversion
and manipulation with support for CSS color strings. It uses it to automatically
calculate values of some properties based on the default colors used. Thanks to it
you don't need to care about each single color on the page -- BooGi will do it for you.
Check this site for details about color
You can use color
library in your theme definition. For example:
import colorfn from 'color';const search = (colors) => ({background: colorfn(colors.background).darken(1.3).rgb().string(),pagination: {current: {font: colorfn(colors.primary).negate().grayscale().hex(),},},});
Minimal configuration can be used to quickly customize theme to your needs. You can change here basic colors, which are then referenced (used) in other page objects.
object is the most important one when it comes to defining the theme --
all other objects use its fields to properly set up colors (you can alter
this behavior, see full configuration).
import defaultColors from './colors';const colors = {...defaultColors,primary:,primaryDark: defaultColors.blueDark,font: '#dddddd',fontDark: '#8a8a8a',background: '#29282A',mainBackground: '#1E1E1F',border: '#323234',hover:,shadow: defaultColors.gray + '33',};export default {colors: colors,};
Reference below presents full theme configuration for all fields.
It contains also example of using color
If you're interested in actual BooGi base configuration, check .
It contains full definition of the default light theme.
import defaultColors from './colors';import colorfn from 'color';const colors = {...defaultColors,primary:,primaryDark: defaultColors.blueDark,fontLight: '#efefef',font: '#dddddd',fontDark: '#8a8a8a',background: '#29282A',mainBackground: '#1E1E1F',border: '#323234',hover:,shadow: defaultColors.gray + '33',};const pageLayout = {leftWidth: '318px',leftMargin: '30px',rightWidth: '',rightMargin: '',};const transitions = {hover: 'all .5s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1) 0s',hoverFast: 'all .3s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1) 0s',hoverColor: 'color .5s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1) 0s',};const content = (colors) => ({background: colors.mainBackground,border: colors.border,font: colors.font,titleFont: colors.font,code: {border: colors.border,font: colors.fontDark,background: colors.background,},});const navigationSidebar = (colors) => ({backgroundSecondary: colors.background,backgroundPrimary: colors.background,border: colors.border,row: {hover: colors.border,active: colorfn(colors.white).mix(colorfn(colors.background)).whiten(3.5).hex(),activeBorder: colors.border,collapseHover: colors.hover,},font: {group: colorfn(colors.font).darken(0.2).hex(),base: colors.font,nested: colorfn(colors.font).lightn(1.2).hex(),active: colors.primary,hover: colors.primary,},poweredBy: {font: colors.grayLight,background: colors.border,hover: colors.primary,},});const header = (colors) => ({background: colors.background,shadow: colors.shadow,font: {base: colors.primary,hover: colorfn(colors.primary).negate().hex(),},border: colors.border,icons: {background: colors.background,shadow: colors.shadow,fill: colors.primary,stroke: colors.primary,hover: colors.primary,},});const search = (colors) => ({background: colors.background,mark: {font: colors.font,background: colors.primary,},font: {base: colors.font,hover: colors.font,highlight: colors.fontDark,},hover: colors.border,border: colors.border,pagination: {background: colors.mainBackground,border: colors.border,font: colors.font,hover: colors.border,current: {background: colors.primary,font: colorfn(colors.primary).negate().grayscale().hex(),},},});const editOnRepo = (colors) => ({background: colors.background,border: colors.border,hover: colors.hover,font: {base: colors.font,hover: colorfn(colors.primary).negate().grayscale().hex(),},});const jargon = (colors) => ({background: colors.background,border: colors.border,font: colors.font,shadow: colors.shadow,});const highlights = (colors) => ({warning: {border:,background: colors.orangeLight,font: colors.fontDark,},error: {border:,background: colors.redLight,font: colors.fontDark,},info: {border:,background: colors.blueLight,font: colors.fontDark,},tip: {border:,background: colors.greenLight,font: colors.fontDark,},});const table = (colors) => ({header: {background: colors.primary,font: colorfn(colors.primary).negate().grayscale().lighten(0.2).hex(),},oddRow: colors.mainBackground,evenRow: colors.background,rowHover: colors.hover + '3d',border: colors.border,});const tableOfContents = (colors) => ({background: colors.mainBackground,font: {base: colors.font,hover: colors.primary,current: colors.primary,},border: colors.border,});const previousNext = (colors) => ({background: colors.mainBackground,hover: colors.primary,font: colors.font,fontLabel: colors.font,border: colors.border,shadow: colors.shadow,});const scrollTop = (colors) => ({background: colors.primary,hover: colorfn(colors.primary).darken(0.4).hex(),arrow: colorfn(colors.primary).negate().grayscale().lighten(0.4).rgb().string(),});export default {colors: colors,layout: pageLayout,transitions: transitions,header: header,search: search,navigationSidebar: navigationSidebar,content: content,editOnRepo: editOnRepo,jargon: jargon,highlights: highlights,table: table,tableOfContents: tableOfContents,previousNext: previousNext,scrollTop: scrollTop,};