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Quick Start

Git RepositoryEdit on Github
Last update: 4 days ago by Mateusz FilipowiczReading time: 2 min


  1. Install NodeJS (newest 14+ recommended, minimal 12.18).
  2. Install Yarn: npm install -g yarn
  3. Install Boogi CLI: npm install -g boogi-cli

These commands may require root rights, depending on your operating system and configuration.

Quick start

  1. Initialize BooGi project in current directory:

    boogi init

    Now wizard will guide you through core BooGi configuration.

  2. Run your app in development mode with live reload

    boogi develop

    You can access your app on localhost:8000. Any changes applied will be automatically applied on running development server.

  3. Build you app package ready for deployment

    boogi build

    Built package will be available in public directory.

BooGi directory structure

Below is defined BooGi app directory structure. Important This is applicable only for apps initialized and using BooGi CLI.

+-- .boogi.yml # BooGi CLI configuration file
+-- package.json #
+-- # Your BooGi app readme
+-- assets/ # Directory with static assets not used inside content (e.g. logo)
+-- config/ # Directory with BooGi app configuration
│ +-- config.yml # BooGi configuration file
│ +-- jargon.yml # Jargon (abbrevations / definitions) configuration file
│ +-- theme/ # Directory with BooGi app theme (look-and-feel) configuration
│ +-- colors.js # Base colors configuration file
│ +-- dark.js # Dark theme configuration file
│ +-- light.js # Light theme configuration file
+-- content/ # Directory with your app content
│ +-- # Root page content file (do not remove!)
+-- snippets/ # Directory with external code snippets, which can be embedded in content
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