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Git RepositoryEdit on Github
Last update: 8 days ago by Mateusz FilipowiczReading time: 4 min

//TODO add screenshots

Publishing draft docs

BooGi allows marking pages as drafts, thus not publishing them while you are still working on them. However, you can alter this behavior by setting up features.publishDraft property, or passing FEATURES_PUBLISH_DRAFT environment variable.

publishDraft: true # set to true to publish draft pages

Dark Mode theme

Dark mode theme feature allow changing between light and dark styling. If set switch button appears in header. To set up dark theme mode, configure following in config.yml (under features key).

enabled: true # set to true to enable dark mode theme feature
default: false # set to true to set dark mode as a default one

Additionally to changes in config.yml file, proper theme must be configured. To do this, follow description defined in themes documentation.

Edit on Repo

Edit on Repo features shows Edit on Repo button on every page, where it is configured. It gives all users easy way to start editing your page.

To set up Edit on Repo, configure following in config.yml (under features key).

location: # URL to Git repository
type: github # type of Git repository. Only github, gitlab and bitbucket are supported.
editable: true # whether every page is editable by default. This can be configured per page setting up 'editable' property in frontmatter

As written above, even if Edit on Repo is globally turned off or on, it can be altered per page by setting up editable property in frontmatter. This has precedence over global configuration.

Mermaid graphs

Mermaid brings generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown. Details of usage are described in Graphs section.

To set up Mermaid graphs, configure following in config.yml (under features key).

language: "mermaid" # language descriptor used
theme: "dark" # diagram color theme. Choose one from: dark, neutral, forest, default.
options: # additional configuration options
width: 300 # desired viewport width while rendering the SVG
height: 300 # desired viewport height while rendering the SVG

You can preview available the themes in the Live Editor. Additional configuration options passed in features.mermaid.options can be checked in the configuration options passed to mermaid.initialize().

Page progress indicator

Add a page progress indicator to your BooGi website. The progress bar moves as you scroll down the page. Users can know how far they’ve read into an article or page.

To set up Page Progress, configure following in config.yml (under features key).

enabled: true # set to true to enable
includePaths: # list of paths for which page progress should be visible
- "/configuration/advanced/theme" # it can be simple string
- regex: "^/syntax" # or regex expression
excludePaths: # list of paths for which page progress should not be visible
- "/" # it can be simple string
- regex: "^/anything" # or regex expression
height: 3 # height in pixels of the progress bar
prependToBody: false # set to true to prepend progress bar to <body>, otherwise append it
color: "#A05EB5" # color of the progress bar. As of now light/dark mode themes are not supported

Previous / Next navigation buttons

Previous / Next buttons show up at the bottom of every content page and help in navigation between previous and next page. While used, you can also configure left/right arrows to switch between previous/next pages. It's awesome feature to build tutorials or training pages.

To set up Previous / Next navigation buttons, configure following in config.yml (under features key).

enabled: true # set to true to enable buttons globally
arrowKeyNavigation: true # set to true to switch between pages using left/right arrow keys

Propagating Netlify environment variables

When you deploy BooGi-based page on Netlify, you can take benefit of automated propagation of some Netlify environment configuration, such as page URL (especially useful for branch or pull request deployments) and page location in code repository (e.g. Github).

We recommend setting this as true .

To set up Netlify configuration propagation, configure following in config.yml (under features key).

propagateNetlifyEnv: true

RSS feed

BooGi offers creation of RSS feeds. It allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format.

To set up RSS feed, configure following in config.yml (under features key).

enabled: true # set to true to enable RSS feed
copyright: "2020, Mateusz Filipowicz" # copyright notice for content in the channel
webMaster: "Mateusz Filipowicz" # email address for person responsible for technical issues relating to channel
managingEditor: "Mateusz Filipowicz" # email address for person responsible for editorial content
categories: # list of feed categories
- Category 1
- Category 2
ttl: 60 # number of minutes that indicates how long a channel can be cached before refreshing from the source
matchRegex: "^/" # regex specifying for which paths (pages) RSS should be created. Defaults to whole page.
outputPath: "/rss.xml" # path under which feed will be accessible
generator: "boogi" # indication of the program used to generate the channel

Scroll to Top button

When enabled, this features displays button in bottom right corner allowing to scroll to top of the page with a single click (or tap).

scrollTop: true # set to true to display scroll to top button

Page metadata

BooGi can display page metadata (latest editor, last edit date) on every page below the page title. To set it up globally configure following in config.yml:

showMetadata: true

Even if page metadata is globally turned off or on, it can be altered per page by setting up showMetadata property in frontmatter. This has precedence over global configuration.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents displays right sidebar with a useful navigation between every section of the page. It also follows page scroll and marks current section visible on the screen. New sections are divided by using header (#) in page content.

To set up table of contents, configure following in config.yml (under features key).

show: true # set to true to show ToC on every page
depth: 3 # depth of the ToC.

Even if table of contents is globally turned off or on, it can be altered per page by setting up showToc property in frontmatter. Also on page you can alter depth of table of contents by setting up tocDepth in frontmatter. Both settings have precedence over global configuration.

Full screen mode

Full screen mode can be used to hide any disruptive page elements and focus only on content. You can configure which elements should be hidden while in full screen mode.

Important: Full screen mode is disabled by default.

enabled: false # set to true to enable full screen mode
hideHeader: true # set to true to hide header while in full screen mode
hideSidebar: true # set to true to hide sidebar while in full screen mode
hideToc: true # set to true to hide Table of Contents while in full screen mode