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Code snippets

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Last update: a month ago by Mateusz FilipowiczReading time: 2 min

Crucial for any technical documentation is possibility to add code snippets with proper highlighting. BooGi supports various programming languages and syntaxes.

To add code snippet, you can use:

  • inline code snippets, which are a code blocks defined directly within page content
  • external code snippets, which are a code blocks inserted from external file containing code

Inline code snippets

To use inline code snippets, you should wrap your code block inside triple backticks(``` ), e.g.

this is some code

You can define language of code block by specifying it's name after opening triple backticks, e.g.

key: value
const uppercase = value => value.toUpperCase();

Supported languages and syntaxes

New languages and syntaxes will be added soon!
  • bash
  • clike
  • c
  • cpp
  • css
  • css-extras
  • javascript
  • jsx
  • js-extras
  • coffeescript
  • diff
  • git
  • go
  • graphql
  • handlebars
  • json
  • less
  • makefile
  • markdown
  • objectivec
  • ocaml
  • python
  • reason
  • sass
  • scss
  • sql
  • stylus
  • tsx
  • typescript
  • wasm
  • yaml


The following is a code block with diff. Lines with + highlighted in green shade indicating an addition. Lines with - highlighted in red shade indicating a deletion.

- const data = ['1','2'];
+ const data = [1,2];

Live editing


```javascript react-live=true
<button className={'btn btn-default'}>Change my text</button>
`` `



External code snippets

You can also embed the contents of specified files as code snippets. Any files that will be embed this way must exist snippets directory.

To embed an external code snippet just add


to your content, where path_to_file is a relative path to the code file from snippets directory.



public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World");

Select lines

It's also possible to specify a range of lines to be hidden.

You can either specify line ranges in the embed using the syntax:

  • #Lx - Embed one line from a file
  • #Lx-y - Embed a range of lines from a file
  • #Lx-y,a-b - Embed non-consecutive ranges of lines from a file


This is the JSX of my app:

With this example snippet:

import React from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom"
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello world</h1>

Will produce something like this:

This is the JSX of my app:
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello world</h1>

Omitting lines

It's also possible to specify ranges of lines to be hidden from an embedded file by adding // hide-range comments to your files.


// hide-range{1-2}
import React from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom"
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<li>Not hidden</li>
<li>Not hidden</li>
{/* hide-range{1-2} */}
{/* hide-next-line */}
// hide-range{1-2}
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root")
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement)

Will produce something like this:

function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<li>Not hidden</li>
<li>Not hidden</li>

Specifying snippets by name

As an alternative to selecting a range of lines from a file, you can add start-snippet{snippet-name} and end-snippet{snippet-name} in comments in your files. The inclusion of a name for a snippet allows you to create an example file that contains multiple snippets that you reference from different places.

You can specify that you want to only include a named snippet from the embed by using the syntax {snippet: "snippet-name"}.


The function to use is:
`embed:api.js{snippet: "funcA"}`
And it is invoked via:
`embed:api.js{snippet: "invokeA"}`

With this example file api.js:

// start-snippet{funcA}
function factorial(x) {
if (x <= 1) return 1
else return x * factorial(x - 1)
// end-snippet{funcA}
function display() {
let x = 5
// start-snippet{invokeA}
let xfact = factorial(x)
// end-snippet{invokeA}
println!(`{} factorial is {}`, x, xfact)

Will produce something like this:

The function to use is:
function factorial(x) {
if (x <= 1) return 1
else return x \* factorial(x - 1)
And it is invoked via:
let xfact = factorial(x)
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